How To Stay Motivated

Everyone struggle to stay motivated. Even most succesful people have been there. Motivation is not easy to maintain for long run. It comes and goes from time to time. We bounce forth and back all the time. There is major difference between succesful people and unsucessful people – they are driven. But I will take that in my next post. Here I will give few tips, how to maintain motivation on higher level.

#Start doing even without motivation

It is crucial that we start to do things even without motivation. I have noticed for my actions, when I don­­­’t have motivation, or it’s very low, I just start doing my things and then motivation comes. There have been multiple times, when I had a lack of motivation to go to gym, read book, do chores or work with my side business. Then it takes a lot of effort to push myself to start, but when I have started, it gets easier and I can feel motivation arising. Imagine heavy round rock, it’s very hard to push it from beggining, but when it get’s momentum, it is starting to roll faster and with unstoppable force. Start to do your things even you are not feeling it at all, you will create momentum and it will getting easier each time.

#Write down your goals and keep it close
I have mentioned before, that writing down your goals will help you to reach your dream goals. But it will even help you stay motivated on daily basis. Write down your goals and put in visible place. If you work in office, then stick it on the wall. It will be the best reminder, why you are doing what you are doing. If we don’t write down our goals, we usually get taken away by our busy lives. In best scenario, you will remember about your goals only in evening, before bedtime. When you have your dreams in visble place, you will make sure to make one more phone call, one more extra hour, and other valuable actions which will lead you closer to destination. Many find that silly to have your goals written down, or they just don’t want to do that. But believe me, it will be your best reminder to become best and motivated.

#Keep close people who motivates you
It is not only you, who can keep you motivated, but also those around you. I have mentioned in previousposts, that people around you creates your success. When you have around people and friends, who are highly motivated and driven, you will definitely stay motivated as well. You will follow and copy their actions and habbits. They will impact your lifestyle, and give you a call, when they will see that you are going off track. Gather around motivated friends, even if you don’t have common business or goal. You will learn from their motivation ,when you will feel down and helpless.

#Maintain healthy lifestyle
It is not so easy to be motivated, when you have hangover or haven’t been sleeping enough. Keeping your body and mind healthy will give you energy. We have energy reserves with fixed amount. You can’t get more whenever you need, but you can always choose wisely where to spend it. It is understandable, that we don’t want to miss something out, even when we know that it will deplete our energy and will feel exhausted next day. But that is choise you need to make today, because when next day will come, you always will think to yourself, that you have also next day. If you want to keep your motivation on high level, then create your environment properly. You will feel very grateful and happy, when your body will stay healthy. Your body is your temple, so treat it accordingly.