1. Be sure to speak in the present as if your manifestation is already yours.  By using words such as “I will” or “I want” you are speaking to the universe as if you do not have your desire, which leads her to deliver more of what you don’t have.  Speak in the present tense and know that your manifestation is yours, it just hasn’t arrived yet.
  2. As mentioned above, do not obsess over your manifestation.  The how and when are not yours to consider; this is where divine timing comes into play and trusting in the universe to know that when your energy is ready to receive your desire, it will be yours.
  3. Trust that your manifestation could appear way before the 33 days are over!  Again, divine timing will make sure your desires appear when you are ready to accept.  If you reach the end of the 33 days and you are still awaiting magic to appear, do not give up hope.  Release this into the universe and sit in the faith that it will soon be yours because you have claimed it!
  4. Be consistent.  For this to truly work, you must set the time aside each day to write 3 times on a morning, 6 times through the day and 9 times before you go to sleep.  Set an alarm so you don’t forget and make the time in your schedule to make this a priority.  I promise you, you won’t regret it. 
  5. If you feel negativity or self-doubt creeping in when going through the 369 manifestation method, you will struggle to match your energy to that of what you desire.  Take some time when doubts arise to step away from the method and write down what these are.  Are they a truth or a belief?  Can you control the doubt and change something, or do you need to release something you have no control over?  Can you reframe it somehow?  Manifesting money can bring blocks to the surface for people, so the key is to feel aligned to the total you would like to attract.  If you struggle to sit in the energy of £10,000, can you sit in the energy of what it feels like to manifest £1000?  And do this technique over and over again until you reach your total needed?  Take time to heal yourself.  Side note: If manifesting money is something you would like to really understand this year, then make sure you check out my money manifesting course right here.