Positive thinking
Positive thinking absolutely works, but The Law of Attraction is so much more than that. There are many other
steps involved aside from simple positive thinking. Positive thinking is kind of like the
shell of a car. You have the base outline but you still need the motor, the
wheels, the transmission and everything else a car needs in order to get you
from A to B.
We will get to all the other components of how to get The Law of
Attraction up and running properly, but for now I want to keep things simple.
If you decide to put The Law of Attraction to action and it by chance doesn’t
work the way you had hoped, what harm will it have done by simply giving it a
try? You will only be exactly where you were before you tried it. That’s
another of the many great things about this. By trying out The LOA there is
never anything to lose- but a whole lot to gain. Money, success, career-these
are the number one reasons people begin using the LOA but as said earlier,
there is so much more that it can do for you. It can help us with our
self-confidence. It can help us heal our emotional and physical ailments. It
can help us with school grades, making friends, raising our children, making you
better looking, you name it and The Law of Attraction can help you with it. Every
single thing that happens in this world and in our personal lives are all products
of how we think and feel. This means that everything that happens whether good
or bad, are all based on our very own thoughts. Even if it’s something that has
been done to you, it was still your own thoughts and emotions that caused the
other person to do it. If it was something that happened to you, it was still
your own thoughts and emotions that caused it to happen. How is your own
thought process? Be honest. Take a good evaluation of yourself and how you tend
to view situations. Take a look around you and evaluate how much you have
achieved compared to how much you would like to achieve. Are you where you had
always hoped you would be by now in your life? If not, what do think is holding
you back?
Luckily there is good news. If you are unsatisfied with your current
situation, know that your current situation is only the outcome of what you
were thinking and feeling in the past. It has nothing to do with what you are
thinking and feeling at this very moment. This means that if you start today
and begin turning your negative thoughts and feelings into positive ones, you
can reap the rewards of doing so in the future. There is no telling how long it
will take for you to start seeing changes in your luck due to the changes in
your thinking habits. Depending on how drastically and quickly you are able to
turn around your thought process you could see changes in your luck in the next
5 minutes, or the next 5 days. It’s all up to you. We are in control of our own
destiny. If your kids are sick and you keep saying to yourself, “That’s it, now
I’m going to get sick. I just know it,” guess what? You’re going to get sick.
But if you think, “I don’t get sick, I’m always healthy. I have a great immune
system and I’ll be fine,” then guess what? You’ll be fine. The very day you
start truly believing that you will own a home is the very day that owning your
home becomes a possibility. Even after 40 years of negative thinking patterns,
you can still own that home when you begin to apply The Law of Attraction to
your life in a positive way.
The reason I use the words, “use The Law of Attraction in a ‘positive’
way,” is because whether we realize it or not, we are all using the law of
every single second of our lives. You can’t stop it. Every moment your brain is
The Law of Attraction is working. The question is, how do you want to
use it? These your choices.
You can use The Law of Attraction:
Deliberately and positively
Deliberately and negatively
Completely by default
You make the choice or The Law of Attraction will choose for you.
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