8 Manifestation Methods You Need to Try ASAP

#1.Keep an intention journal

The beauty of keeping a journal is that, even if it’s not something that typically interests you, it’s easy to maintain and can be updated as frequently as you want — daily, weekly, monthly, etc. Jot down situations in your life where you desire a different outcome or dreams you want to see realized in the coming years. Use these blank pages as a way to plant seeds of intent — these can be lengthy updates or bullet points. Either way, it’s one of the easiest and most direct ways to organize your thoughts and intentions.

#2.Try creating a vision board

Humans are visual creatures, so it goes without saying that we benefit greatly from looking at the big picture — literally. Grab some scissors, tape, glue and writing tools, and buy a cork board or set aside some space on your bedroom wall to map out a vision board. Treat it like a scrapbook — include images, words, scraps of textured material and various trinkets to help you really narrow down your greatest wants and desires.

Not only will it take you back to those nostalgic moments from your childhood when you did projects on bristol boards, but you can really embrace the opportunity to let your creativity shine through. Sit quietly with yourself and allow your mind to expand before you start crafting your vision board.

#3.Consider trying permission practices

One of the biggest steps in manifesting is giving ourselves permission to achieve our dreams. Many of us grow up talking ourselves out of our dreams because they feel unattainable. Set aside some time to consider whose permission you feel you need to move forward with your plans. (Is it a parent, partner or friend?)

Try repeating the following:

  • I permit myself to be who I truly am.
  • It’s safe to express my authentic self.
  • I am open to receiving gifts from the universe.
  • I give myself permission to dream and strive to achieve my goals.

#4. Try the popular pillow method

It’s simple: write down your affirmation on a piece of paper and put it underneath your pillow before you go to bed at night. The reasons why this method has proven to be effective is three-fold:

  • It helps rewire your thought patterns as you fall asleep.
  • It encourages your final thoughts of the day to be positive and hopeful.
  • It allows you to let go of any negative thoughts or resistance that may be lingering in your mind as you instead focus on what you wrote on that piece of paper.

#5. Close your eyes and try visualization

In short: it’s a meditation practice, with a manifestation twist. There are plenty of practices and tips on how to proceed online with a quick Google search. Many believe visualization is one of the most underutilized tools when it comes to manifestations. In addition, there are plenty of ways you can go about this process to ensure that you’ll find the right one for you.

For example, some visualization techniques include, guided meditation, planning your own movie (how does the story of your life play out on the silver screen?), envisioning your perfect day (what does that entail) and picturing your end goal periodically throughout the day.

#6. Consider trying a focus wheel

Draw a large circle on a blank piece of paper that touches the edges of the page. Inside that circle, draw a second smaller circle. Divide the spaces between the two circles into 12 parts, leaving the inner circle blank. In each of those 12 spaces write “I love…” and then proceed to finish the sentence for each one, touching on various aspects of your life that bring you joy and meaning. Finally, add a sentence in the middle of your focus wheel that encapsulates the thing you want to manifest the most.

Once completed, read each of the 12 sentences out loud at least three times a day. Keep repeating them until you find yourself in a good mood before moving on the statement in the middle of the circle.

#7. Keep a manifestation box

Choose (or make!) a box of any size. It can be something beautiful you already own such as a trinket or jewelry box, or, if you’re keen on recycling, consider reusing a Kleenex box. To make the experience even more special, consider decorating the outside of the box to really personalize the experience.

Next, set an intention and, similar to creating a vision board, place images, words and trinkets in the box that you want to see manifested in your life. Some thought-starters: What adventures do you want to experience? What kind of person do you want to be? Where do you want to travel? What emotions do you want to feel?

#8. Start acting the part

This is exactly what it sounds like — act as though you already have the thing you’ve been manifesting for so long. Much like the old adage, “fake it until you make it,” when it comes to manifestation this is absolutely a valid technique. This isn’t to say you’re changing (or faking) who you are as a person, just that you might find some newfound confidence in taking charge of your life and achieving your goals. For example, in a workplace environment, if you want a promotion, step up and offer ideas or ask questions that will insert you in the conversation with higher ups.


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