Top 7 Tips: Beginners Visualization Techniques

1. Try Not To Overthink Things

Everyone finds visualization different. Some find it feels more challenging than they thought it might. Some find it easier than they thought they would. Either way, one thing to bear in mind when practicing visualization, is not to overthink what you are trying to visualize.

For example, if you were asked to picture a blue square in your mind, you might think, ok a blue square, I have to get this right. But when we start trying to imagine things in a certain way, we start to worry about it – should the square be big or small, should it be dark blue or light blue, and on and on – we start to overthink it. 

Instead, the key to perfecting your visualization techniques is actually to put little or no mental effort into the process. The more you can simply let any images, experiences, or feelings come to you, rather than trying to seek them out, the more beneficial the exercise will be for you. So, try not to overthink things when visualizing, and instead, just trust that what comes up for you during your practice is what is right for you.

2. Use All Your Senses

Despite the name, visualization is not just about mental imagery. In fact, you will experience the best results from the practice if you use all your senses – sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. 

Using all your senses and noticing as many details about the scene that you are picturing as possible can help give you a much more vivid experience. So when you’re visualizing, as well as picturing the scene, try to also notice any sounds, smells, tastes, and if you can, any feelings of touch as well. 

The more detailed the scene you experience, the greater the effect the visualization will have on both the mind and the body. And in fact, if images don’t come easily to your mind, using your other senses can actually help you have a more complete experience.

3.Getting Distracted? Try Not to Judge Yourself

You may find your mind wandering off during the practice of your visualization techniques. Whether you find yourself thinking about your to-do list, something to do with work, or what you are going to cook later, remember this is completely normal and happens to everyone at some point.

So, when this happens, try not to judge yourself. Instead, simply bring your awareness back to your visualization practice. That could be bringing your awareness back to your breath, back to your body, or back to the visualization itself. Either way, just observe that you were distracted and then start to bring your attention back to the exercise.

4. Make Sure You’re Relaxed

It is important to feel relaxed when you practice visualization. When you’re in a relaxed and open state, the imagery and feelings you’re trying to cultivate within your practice will come more naturally and you will have a better experience. It can be hard to relax though, especially if we are busy, or feeling stressed and wound up from our everyday life. 

At the beginning of each EnVision session, we guide you through a short relaxation to help encourage you to relax before you begin each visualization with us. Focusing on the breath and using the breath to release tension from the body is one of the best ways to do this. Slowing the breath down and lengthening each inhale and exhale will naturally help you to relax and unwind both in body and in mind.

5. Have A Regular visualization Practice

Like most things in life, the more you practice your visualization technique, the more you will experience the benefits. So try to make it a priority in your life by setting aside 10 minutes each day for your practice. Essentially, where we are at in our lives is an accumulation of what we do each day, day in and day out, and when we spend time improving the quality of each of our days, we are therefore improving our lives as a whole. 

6. Connect With The Emotion Of Visualization

One of the most powerful parts of visualization is the emotions we experience each time we visualize. When visualizing a scene or moment we actually experience the same feelings and emotions around the scene of the moment as if we were experiencing it in real life. It is within those feelings and emotions that the ability for visualization to change our state lies.

So each time you visualize just let whatever feelings and emotions arise come naturally to you. Don’t force anything. Don’t judge anything. Just let the feelings and emotions come, and when they do, relax, enjoy them, and allow them to grow and expand within you. Then maybe after the visualization has finished you can take a moment to see how your state has shifted.

7. Visualize With A Sense Of Knowing

The most powerful visualizations are those that are the most real in our minds. To get the most out of visualization we need to have a sense of expectation that what we are seeing when we visualize, can, and will happen in our lives. 

We do this by firstly seeing what we visualize as being real within the mind. Secondly, by making sure we tune into the emotions that we feel as we visualize these moments from our future life. The more we see and experience these moments from our future in this way, the more the subconscious will believe that they can and will happen. This is the difference between simply thinking about wanting something and using visualization, together with action, to actually get it.